新年新希望昨天新年聚餐這次特別些,因為聚餐兼採訪這次做東的女主人蕙質蘭心廚藝讚,中西式菜色甜點樣樣行居家布置和園藝都有巧思閒暇還自學畫畫:水彩油畫作品就佈置自家唱歌售屋網時一首接一首,卡拉OK的歌都難不倒她 男主人是修飛機的技師 身高一米八喜歡音樂和美酒 與嬌小的女主人形成有趣對比.兒子大三主修美術,拉二胡女兒是高中女籃隊, 平時打爵士鼓.小額信貸這位女主人不只安內還攘外不單兼差工作還照顧兩位高中女生當Home Ma.對於她的天份與勤奮,本人深感佩服! 那天的菜色: 那天的音樂:Bee Gees, Eagles和Kiss合唱團(後者跟我不對室內設計味) 不過今天我想聽ABBA的I have a Dream.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFHbwikzNdsI have a dream, a song to singTo help me cope with anythingIf you see the 票貼wonder of a fairy taleYou can take the future even if you failI believe in angelsSomething good in everything I seeI believe in angelsWhen I know the time is 景觀設計right for meI’ll cross the stream - I have a dreamI have a dream, a fantasyTo help me through realityAnd my destination makes it worth the whilePushing through 面膜the darkness still another mileI believe in angelsSomething good in everything I seeI believe in angelsWhen I know the time is right for meI’ll cross the 房屋貸款stream - I have a dreamI’ll cross the stream - I have a dreamI have a dream, a song to singTo help me cope with anythingIf you see the wonder of a fairy 酒店打工taleYou can take the future even if you failI believe in angelsSomething good in everything I seeI believe in angelsWhen I know the time is right for meI’ll 系統傢俱cross the stream - I have a dreamI’ll cross the stream - I have a dream上帝給每個人一天24小時,為什麼有人可以做這麼多事捏?Redeeming my time善用時間是我今年的新希保濕面膜望來者可追, 把握光陰, 不虛今天!

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